How To Donate To Keep Downeast Maine Pets In Their Home During This Pandemic
We would like to feature something a little different this week, and that is putting the spotlight on a fund that the SPCA of Hancock County care-takes to help low income families deal with emergency veterinary care for their pets, and to keep more animals in the homes that love them.
The folks that run the SPCA of Hancock County call this the Mickey Duffy Fund, and anyone on financial assistance can apply for a certificate to get help in order to maintain and feed the pets within their home.
Throughout 2020 especially, the SPCA has seen an increase in the number of surrenders due to the financial strain that many of us are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic, and when veterinary care for cats and dogs that so many people love like family, they make the hard choice of surrendering those pets in hopes of giving them a better life.
We would like to do more to keep those animals in the homes that love them and ask anyone who can to donate to the Mickey Duffy Fund at the SPCA of Hancock County to do so. Simply make your donation like normal and specify it is for the Mickey Duffy fund so it is put to use exactly how you want it to be. Information and questions about donating can be found HERE, on the SPCA Hancock County website.
As a community, we can make a difference in the lives of so many individuals and animals.
Speaking of which, a BIG THANK YOU to the folks that care for the animals at the SPCA of Hancock County!

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