If You Could Chat Over Coffee With Anyone Ever, Who Would It Be?
Over this cold and damp weekend, we wanted to know... If you could sit and have a coffee chat with anyone from history, like a former president, a 50's movie star, or even a family member who's passed.... Who would it be?
JStew: Man... what a tough choice. I have a few answers perhaps. 1) My Grandfather. He helped raise me, and I never feel like I got to properly thank him for doing that. 2) My Dad, who just passed away this summer. It's still so fresh for me that everyday, I wish I could talk to him just one more time. And then maybe, just to lighten it up a smidge, I'd love to chat with comedian Mitch Hedberg. He's one of my favorite comedians of all time, and it would be fun to have my own private show over coffee, god rest his soul.
Cori: I think I would probably like to have a cup of coffee with myself. Let me explain. I would love to go back in time and have a chat with myself, when I was about 20. I'd love to share some of the knowledge that I have now, some of the lessons I've learned in order better prepare myself for what's to come.
The idea is really awesome. There could be so many choices. Let's look at yours!