It’s New Year’s Eve, So What Are Your Resolutions For 2021?
In any other year, people would probably make all sorts of bold decisions about what their resolutions might be for the next year. Everyone always thinks this will be the year they finally hit the gym, or quit smoking, or lose weight, whatever... All noble pursuits, undoubtedly. But 2020 was not a regular year, amirite?!
There's maybe even a general concensus that everyone made it through the whole pandemic, and quarantine, and weird summer, and everything being canceled all year, that maybe we're good. Who needs any goals for 2021, other than to kick the dust of 2020 off and start over? It will definitely be a re-building year on many levels.
But if one were to decide to try and choose 2021 to better themselves, what would one do? For me, it's all about weight loss this year. I easily put on 20+ pounds during the lockdown, out of sheer boredom. I was actually getting more exercise than I have in some time, but I also ate like I had a hole in my neck.
Maybe I'd also like to drink a little less beer. Not that I have a drinking problem, but again, COVID taught us a thing or two about isolation, and how we choose to cope with that. I started choosing a 6-pack a week to take the edge off. I've become a bit weary of the fact that beer has become part of the grocery list, so maybe that could change.
Let's have a look at some of the things you would like to do in 2021, and just hope that secretly everyone's goal is to learn to be more patient with each other. Not likely, but here's to hoping! Hahahaha..... Here's a few from our listeners too! Furrow's might be my favorite!

Here are some tips for self-care during the pandemic:
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