It’s ‘What’s This Wednesday’… Here’s Your Reveal.
JStew & Cori checking in with you.
Cori: There's so much going on, we thought we'd give you a moment of relief from all the stress! Here's something fun to occupy your's the What's This Wednesday Clue! What do you think it is? (I'll tell you what...if I hadn't been the one to take this picture, I would have probably guessed what a lot of you guessed, that it was some sort of furniture tack.)
JStew: There's only one reason on Earth why I was able to figure out what this was pretty quickly. Because I own an identical item. so for me it was pretty simple. When I glanced at the guesses first thing this morning, I only saw two right ones, and honestly, I was a bit surprised. But they... it's just for the fun of it anyway. But the other answers were pure gold too, as always.
We never get tired of your answers. And really, the more off base they are, the funnier they are. Check 'em out down below...
All great guesses for sure. We'll see what crazy thing we come up with next week for What's This Wednesday!