Maine experienced a bit of a cold snap this week (that's putting it was stupid cold outside...the cold that makes your face and hands hurt the minute you step outside, like an instant ice cream headache.)


While it would be nice if, when the air is so cold it hurts, you could just postpone going outside altogether, that's not entirely feasible for most people. We have to get to work and school and all of the other things we need to do in a day.

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The best thing we can do in brutally cold conditions is to dress appropriately. Layers are your best friend.

Man wearing hood warming his hands, outdoor horizontal shot

(It was so cold this week, that my kid's school sent a notice reminding parents to make sure their kids came to school with the winter essentials of hats, mittens, scarves, and snow pants!)

As you can see from this handy-dandy infographic that the National Weather Service has put together, different conditions require different levels of layers.

How To Dress For Cold Temps,
How To Dress For Cold Temps,

While it's crucial that you dress accordingly for the temperatures outside, as this could mean the difference between a fun weekend and a weekend spent at the ER, it's also important to remember your furry friends who spend time outside during this time of year.

When it's on the colder side, temp-wise, it's also good to think about bringing animals that can be brought in, indoors during extreme cold spells.

Word cold written on rear glass of a vehicle, severe winter concept

When if comes to animals (like livestock) who may not be able to realistically come into your home, the National Weather Service has some good advice.

"If pets cannot come indoors, make sure they are protected by a dry, draft-free enclosure large enough to allow them to sit and lie down, but small enough to hold in the pet’s body heat. Raise the floor a few inches off the ground and cover it with cedar shavings or straw. Turn the enclosure away from the wind and cover the doorway with waterproof burlap or heavy plastic."

It's also important to remember that water freezes, so making sure they have access to non-frozen drinking water is a must.

Here are some other things you might want to make sure to have with you this winter.

Absolute Top 10 Necessities To Survive A Maine Winter

As the tundra begins to freeze over and as Mainers begin their seasonal refuge to the bunker, there are a few necessities needed in order to successfully make it to the other side, where the palm trees reside. 

So, take heed and pay attention to our advice, because these are the exact necessities that will ensure your survivability, mental good health, and that you’ll eventually see another summer season up to camp. 

Gallery Credit: DJ Fred

Mainers Say These are the First-Winter Essentials

Gallery Credit: Jason Stewart

15 Items You Need Before Facing Winter in New England

As winter approaches, having warm clothing, snow removal equipment, and a safe vehicle are essential for overall safety. We have put together a list of items you should have on hand before the snow flies.

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