Flashback: Remembering AquaLand Wildlife Park in Bar Harbor
Nowadays, thousands and thousands of people drive by the former location of a place that at one-time area school children couldn't wait to visit.
AquaLand Wildlife Park created a lot of childhood memories for just about any kid that grew up in Downeast Maine back in the '60s and '70s. It was the area's answer to a zoo and was much loved by kids and adults alike throughout Hancock County.
Ask anyone who attended school in this area back then, and chances are they remember taking a field trip to AquaLand Wildlife Park to feed the seals, have a picture taken with a young Canadian Lynx, watch the bears, have a chance at handling live snakes, admire the mechanical animals on springs, or ride the small miniature train that once toured the grounds.
AquaLand Wildlife Park operated in the Salt Pond marsh area of Frenchman Bay at 1351 Route 3 in Bar Harbor, almost at the head of Mount Desert Island. It was started by the Shelton family in the 60s but was then sold to the Garber family later that decade. It continued to operate until it closed in the 80s, but not before thousands of families from here and from away had a chance to visit.
Like other long-gone businesses on Route 3 like the Trenton Drive-In, the Rainbow Roller Rink, and Kart Land, thoughts of AquaLand bring back wonderful childhood memories to many when the area was much less populated and such simple attractions brought an immense amount of joy and good times.
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