A Bradford man died over the weekend when his snowmobile broke through the ice on Seboeis Lake.

Who Is the Fisherman Who Died?

Allen Cole, 74, died while scouting for areas to ice fish on the lake on Friday. He and his dog were out on his 2006 Arctic Cat snowmobile when they came across another ice fisherman at around 2:00 in the afternoon at the boat landing. Mr. Cole told the man he was going to check another area to fish and then headed off on his snowmobile. He never made it back to the landing.

Where Was He Found?

The Maine Warden Service was notified by Cole's family at around 7:00 Friday night that he had never returned from his excursion. Wardens began searching the lake and shore and found Cole's dog alive and well at around 10:30 Friday night. A short time later they found snowmobile tracks which led them to a large hole in the ice, with no tracks on the other side. The search was suspended for the night.

At daylight on Saturday, Warden Service divers gathered at the lake with an air boat and a hovercraft. They motored out to the open area and sent divers through the hole in the ice. Mr. Cole's body was recovered at approximately 8:55 Saturday morning. Our condolences to Mr. Cole's family and friends.

What Are Wardens Saying About Ice Conditions?

Maine Warden Lieutenant Tom Ward urges residents to check the ice before heading out.

Ice conditions vary throughout the state, and while ice may be safe on smaller lakes and ponds, many of Maine's larger lakes still have not frozen completely.

Officials advise people to check the conditions frequently as they go out onto waterways. While it may be safe at the edges, ice at the centers of those lakes and ponds may not be fully formed.

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15 Must-Have Items For Ice Fishing Season In Maine

Ice fishing is an excellent way to embrace the cold winter months in Maine. It will get you outdoors for some fresh air, it's family friendly, and a successful day could yield a tasty dinner. If you're new to the sport, we put together a list of gear you'll need for a fun, comfortable, and successful day on the ice. Some of these items are more essential than others. Some gear may not be essential at all, depending on how you plan to fish. Again, the items we listed are geared towards those who are new to ice fishing.

Before we get to the list, remember to dress appropriately for the cold weather. We didn't put warm outerwear on the list, but it's definitely a must-have. Dressing in layers is important to ensure you're warm enough throughout the day on the ice. If you start getting too warm, you can simply take a layer off. Hand warmers are also worth packing.

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