Whether you like the new state flag or not, it was ours first, right?

Here's the thing... There's been a lot of weird debate over the last few years about Maine's flag design. The one we have, I think we can all agree, is a bit on the busy side. What with two people, a moose, and a pine tree... all on a field of blue, there's a lot going on. Even before it was a thing, I always kind of wondered why there was so much going on.

TSM photo
TSM photo

And since the new design was suggested, that's actually a really old design, Mainers have become divided over what it should be. On the other hand, if there's one thing about Mainers we can all agree on, is that if you try to take something from us, even if we don't want it, we'll defend it until the bitter end.

Right now, Minnesota might just be trying to steal our new flag design.

Recently, Minnesota started taking submissions for a new state flag. After receiving 2500+ entries, one popped up that caught the eyes of Maine Redditors. They're possibly proposing a design that has a pine tree in the middle, with a star on the upper right. And just like ours, it's on a field of white. Check it out...

Soooo Minnesota is redoing their flag and they're doing submissions. This is one of them
byu/MisterMan-Maine inMaine

Almost creepy, right? Now granted, these are all submissions from the public. Maybe it's a transplant Mainer who's fed up with the local debate over our own flag? Maybe it's an actual Minnesota resident who saw ours and thought it was cool. But you have to admit, the resemblance is almost uncanny.


Maybe, just maybe, this will be the catalyst for Maine making an executive decision. Next year come voting time, we'll have to make our final choice. But really, do you want to live with all that potential FOMO? Because it would also be like a bunch of silly Mainers to wish we had the flag, once we couldn't. Let's not be that guy, huh? And in case you ever wanna buy the new design and just say screw it, I say do it.

In case you needed other ways to prove you're real Mainer, besides which flag you own...

You're Not A True Mainer Until...

These are the things that make you a true Mainer.

Gallery Credit: Jason Stewart

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