Study Shows Mainers May Not Be As Hardworking As We Thought
We all know this is bull...
Throughout Maine's storied history, we've always been known as some of the hardest working folks in the entire country. It always used to be said that no matter what state you were in, most people would hire you on the spot if they heard you were from Maine. My nephew lived for two years in Nashville, and his summary of his time there seemed to support this idea.
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Maine is one of the most blue collar states there is. We bust our butts all day long, and don't quit. Heck, one of the hardest things I had to reconcile when I went into radio, was that there was actually a certain amount of downtime on the clock. Like in between songs, etc. I didn't know what to do with myself, if I wasn't going full tilt.
Obviously, these surveyors have never talked to a Mainer.
I'm guessing the reason Maine is so far down on this list from WalletHub.com is because everyone was working. Instead of having time to fill out their little survey, we were probably at work. To be fair, I don't disagree with the Top 10 states, but to imply that we should be way down the list at #22? Hot, steamy, bull crap is what that is.
For instance, I do not believe for one second, that people in the deep south of this country are harder workers than us. There's no way. Who honestly believes that anyone in Georgia, Tennessee, or Mississippi works harder than we do. It's almost as though the person who did the survey lives in one of those states.
New England was everywhere on this list.
New Hampshire came in at #9. That seems reasonable. Massachusetts came in at #38. That also seems reasonable. Rhode Island tanked hard. So did Connecticut. Again, not a surprise. But for Maine to be that far down is an abomination. Let's get those folks up here and send them out lobstering for a day.
Read More: How Many Working Payphones are Left Around the State of Maine?
I'm going to go ahead and keep believing what we've known all along... that we're likely some of the hardest working people in all the US of A. It's in our DNA. It's what we do. We bust our butts, and we try to play as hard as we worked. But #22? Get outta here with that crap. We all know it's not true.
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