Road Trip Worthy – Patriot’s Day Ogunquit Maine
For many Mainers we celebrate Patriot's Day being thankful we have a few more days to get our taxes done. Others of us will make the trek to Boston for the Boston Marathon. But truth is you don't need to go that far to find a celebration of patriotic proportions just head to Ogunquit.
One nice thing is the weather is suppose to be warmer by then and many of the events happen right there on the city's famous beach. According to their chamber this event runs Friday, Saturday and Sunday so if you had a yen to keep going just a bit more you could still watch the Boston Marathon. And or hit the Patriot's Day Sales at the Kittery Outlets. The schedule for the Ogunquit festivities:
(all events subject to change)
TREASURE HUNTS: Bring your completed Patriots Day booklet to the Chamber information table under the tents at the Main Beach, and be entered to win a prize! Don't worry, you'll be able to keep your drawings - you will fill out an official entry ticket at the booth. As a bonus, answer the question on the entry card correctly, and we will double your prize!
HISTORICAL BUILDING HUNT (throughout Ogunquit) Patriots Day is about celebrating our history. What better way to celebrate than to find some of Ogunquit's most historic buildings and landmarks? Draw at least six of the following buildings/landmarks in the spaces provided in the Patriots Day booklet and be entered to win a prize: SS Crusher (in Perkins Cove), Ogunquit Memorial Library, Ogunquit Heritage Museum, Ogunquit Museum of American Art, Ogunquit Playhouse, Marginal Way Lighthouse, Perkins Cove Bridge, Footbridge (at Footbridge Beach), pedestrian bridge (at end of Wharf Lane)
FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2018
9:00am-5:00pm: LIBRARY BOOK SALE (Ogunquit Memorial Library) Used book sale, with proceeds to fund the Ogunquit Memorial Library.
7:00pm: HISTORICAL RE-ENACTMENT: RE-ENACTMENT OF THE BOSTON TEA PARTY (Perkins Cove) Watch our colonists from the dock as they throw chests of tea off the Bunny Clark.
8:00pm: FIFE AND DRUM CONCERT (upstairs at the Ogunquit Baptist Church, 157 Shore Road) Learn about our colonial heritage of song as the Patriot Fife and Drum Duo play traditional songs and teach us about the instruments themselves and the signals revolutionary fifers and drummers gave to the soldiers in the heat of battle.
OGUNQUIT STOCKS, AND MORE PHOTO OPS (Thompson Green, 309 Shore Road) Photo opportunities for the whole family! Don’t worry, the stocks don’t lock, but they will be available all weekend for photo opportunities. Another fun photo opportunity available with a life-size cut-out stand-up where you can take a photo of yourself dressed in old-time bathing suits, as Uncle Sam, and more!
COLONIAL FLAG TREASURE HUNT (under the tents at the beach) Find all of the flags at the craft fair. Using the page in your brochure, draw each flag in the appropriate colony's box. You aren't being judged for artistic talent! We may throw in some other Colonial-era flags in to throw you off the trail! Turn in your solution at the Ogunquit Chamber table under the tent, and be entered to win a prize.
GUESS THE WEIGHT OF THE TEA CHEST (under the tents at the beach) How much did a tea chest weigh? Look at the chest and guess what it would have weighed when full of tea. No, as a safety precaution, you will not get to lift the box! As a bonus, answer the question on the entry card correctly, and we will double your prize!
TOY TESTING LAB (Village Toy Funatic, 232 Main Street) Village Toy Funatic is transforming their store into a Toy Testing Lab, where kids ages 3+ become official Melissa & Doug Toy Testers for the day, using the power of their imaginations to test out four Melissa & Doug toys, share their feedback, and discover the joy of coming up with new ways to play! Plus, they will go home with Inspiration Kits full of ideas and activities to keep the fun going!
9:00am – 4:00pm: BEACH BAZAAR (at the Kennebunk Savings Bank tents on the Main Beach parking lot) Over 50 vendors will sell their wares under the tent!
9:00am-5:00pm: OGUNQUIT MEMORIAL LIBRARY BOOK SALE (Ogunquit Memorial Library)
10:00am - 3:00pm: OGUNQUIT FIRE COMPANY OPEN HOUSE (Ogunquit Fire Station, Cottage Street) Check out the Fire Museum, and then head to the Fire Station to see the trucks, the smoke trailer, and other fire safety items on display.
10:00am - 3:00pm: VARIOUS VISIONS OF THE PAST (Thompson Green, 309 Shore Road) Mini vignettes of historical significance, displays of home lifestyles and clothing. Take yourself back in time with period costume photo opportunities and children's dress-up photo booth. Free!
10:00am – 3:00pm: HAY RIDES (Main Beach Parking Lot. Weather permitting.) $5 per person.
10:00am - 3:00pm: BOOK READINGS / SIGNINGS (Thompson Green, 309 Shore Road) Meet several of our local authors and illustrators who have come together to showcase their talents. Check the schedule at this location for details.
10:30-11:30am: MAKE YOUR OWN OGUNQUIT PATRIOTS DAY SCRAPBOOK (Thompson Green, 309 Shore Road) Nowadays, it seems like everyone has a Kindle. But real books were all the fashion in colonial days. Learn how to make a book using a fold and cut method and a sewing method. Then use our art supplies to start decorating the book. Use it to record your Patriots Day Weekend adventure! Appropriate for tweens and teens.
12:00 noon: AMERICAN PIE CONTEST (downstairs at the Dunaway Center, 23 School Street) Submit one home-made pie in an "American" flavor to our "celebrity judges". Pies will be judged during Taste of the Town in the following categories: theme, appearance, and taste. The grand prize winner will receive $50 in Gift of Ogunquit gift certificates, and the recipe will be featured in our 2018 Ogunquit Menu Guide. Of course the best prize is the bragging rights for having made the best pie in Ogunquit! Winners will be announced after Taste of the Town.
11:00am – 1:30pm: “TASTE OF THE TOWN” (Dunaway Center, 23 School Street) A variety of area restaurants will serve up their special dishes for you to try out! Buy tickets at the door or ahead of time online. Bring a donation for our local food pantry or animal shelter. VIP early admission at 11am: $15. Regular admission beginning at 11:45pm: $10.
2:00 - 5:00pm: WINE TASTING (Perkins & Perkins Wine & Cheese Shop, 478 Main Street) Featuring wines from around the world.
2:00 - 5:00pm: WINE TASTING (Village Food Market, 230 Main Street)
2:00pm: WASHINGTON CROSSING THE DELAWARE, December 25, 1776 (watch from the Main Beach Parking Lot or Sea Chamber Motel) You've seen the painting - now see us bring it to life!
9:00pm: AWESOME 80'S PROM (MaineStreet, 195 Main Street) Open to the public with no cover charge. 21+.
SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 2018
10:00am – 3:00pm: BEACH BAZAAR (at the Kennebunk Savings Bank tent at the Main Beach parking lot) See Saturday description.
10:00am – 3:00pm: HAY RIDES (Main Beach Parking Lot. Weather permitting.) $5 per person.
10:00am - 3:00pm: VARIOUS VISIONS OF THE PAST (Thompson Green, 309 Shore Road) Mini vignettes of historical significance, displays of home lifestyles and clothing. Uncle Sam and period costume photo opportunities. Free!
11:00am: RE-ENACTMENT OF THE FLAG RAISING AT IWO JIMA (Marginal Way, in front of Beachmere Inn) While the flag raising at Iwo Jima did not take place during the Revolutionary War, we take a moment to remember and give thanks to all of those who have fought for our freedom throughout our history. Weather permitting.
12:30pm: PATRIOTIC POOCH PAGEANT AND FASHION SHOW (Liquid Dreams parking lot, 696 Main Street. Weather permitting.) Dress your dog in costume, or just come to watch the show! Two costume categories: Patriotic (red, white, and blue) and Favorite American (any Abe Lincoln wannabe’s out there?) Prizes will be awarded for most patriotic costume and best costume impersonation. Animal Welfare Society will be there to feature some of their adoptable dogs.
2:00pm-5:00pm: "DO YOU REMEMBER" WITH RICHARD PERKINS. (Dunaway Center, 23 School Street) Richard Perkins will talk about his illustrious career in Ogunquit. The movie "How Rude" will be shown, and Richard will read an ode written specially for the occasion. Light refreshments will be served. Sponsored by the Ogunquit Heritage Museum. Free, but donations happily accepted.
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