Why Would Anyone Steal a Canoe from School Children in Old Town?
First off, it was returned, but that's not the point...
At Old Town elementary School, kids love to play with a red canoe out on their playground. Who could blame them? When you're a kid, there's something cool about re-purposing a boat into something you play in. I remember going to Hilltop pre-school in Bangor, and we had an old wooden boat on the playground there. It was my favorite.
When kids returned to school on Monday morning this week, their beloved canoe was gone. The kids were sad, administrators and teachers were puzzled, and someone was sitting at home with a canoe that was absolutely useless. The crooks somehow initially missed the fact that there were holes drilled in it so water would run out for the kids.
What kind of jerk does this sort of thing?
Teens on a Halloween prank? Drunk college kids? Truly stupid adults with nothing else to do? The way I see it, and I don't condone theft or vandalism or anything like that, but... If you are going to engage in such reckless and stupid behavior, how about leaving school kids out of it? What did they ever do to you?
Mad at the town? Sure. Mad at a local business? Ok. Mad at life? Aren't we all?! But these kids looooooved that canoe.
Someone somewhere is patting themselves on the back right now.
After the Old Town Elementary principal shared the news on Facebook, it was shared nearly 400 times, according to WABI. Sure enough, yesterday morning, the canoe was back. I imagine someone is sitting around this morning, patting themselves on the back for returning the canoe. But hey.... in reality, you're kinda awful.
I don't have kids of my own, but if you ever wanna see me lose my s#!@ do something stupid to kids. You may have returned their boat, but to me, you'll always be the jerk that stole a boat from a bunch of kids. Enjoy your future, if this is where it starts.