For our Thorwback Thursday topic this week, we wondered what foods you used to eat all the time when you were a kid, but you can't get anymore....

JStew: Boy... for me there's so many. Luckily, my the cooks in my family have kept pretty detailed and extensive recipe boxes over the years. But if I had to pick just one thing... it'd be my grandmother's fudge. Sure, you can get fudge anywhere, but she had a recipe that had been handed down tons of times. It's extremely complicated and time consuming, which is why we don't make it anymore, generally. But I've never tasted anything close to hers since she passed some 25+ years ago. As I sit here right now though, I can almost taste it in my mind..... man I miss those days.

Cori: When I was little, there were a few candies in particular that I loved. Thankfully, you can still get Charleston Chews, Mambas and Laffy Taffy. But I haven't seen Lifesaver Holes or Bonkers around anywhere in decades! I also can't find those rolls of red licorice--I think they called them Danish circles or ribbons. I loved those--way more than twizzlers--because they were easier to chew! I miss those! As far as family recipes go, my late Aunt Phyllis used to make a jello salad that was so yummy. I miss that, too.


There's a lot of great history in family recipes. Let's look at some of what you liked too....

Sandra Lyn My Grammie used to make the BEST DANG MEATBALLS EVER!!!! I'd give anything to know what that recipe was
Steve Arey Doo-dads
Rob Irwin Peanut butter&jelly.... Peanut butter & Fluff, it seems like I just out grew the taste of those 2 sandwiches.
Jen Megquier My Grandfather’s biscuits. No one made a biscuit like he did. Best ones I ever had. I still crave them.
Aisling Doucette An Irish breakfast, it’s really hard to get here.
Darlene Moore Dandelion greens. Mom used to spend hours digging them, then cleaning them in the kitchen sink and cooking them with a piece of salt pork. I loved them so much but I’m just too dang lazy to dig them.
Melissa Gil I LOVE dandelion greens too! My husbands opinion is that they are best left for the cows to eat, so he's no help.  I try to leave the dandelions for the bees, but ill dig a few greens every once in a while! (I am the only one in the house that will eat them!)
Jennifer Roy My grandmother’s homemade pickles OMG yum
Steve I used to live on Patton Street when I was a kid, and there was this little market on the corner called Ruby's. She had stacks of comics on either side of the door and if you brought one in you could trade it for another. I went in there once and she had these white and green cans with black lettering and it just said Apple Beer. It was the best tasting soda I've ever had. I can't find it anywhere now and I've looked for it. Now that I think of it, it had a granny smith apple on the front. It was just like drinking a granny smith apple.
Caller A Spam
Caller B 3D Doritos and Dunkaroos


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