Throwback Thursday With J Stew& Cori…What Do You Miss Most?
CORI: As we often do on the I-95 Morning Show with J Stew and Cori, we do a lot of chit-chatting off the air because we're friends, and that's what friends do. This morning we just so happened to be reminiscing about the old Bangor Weather Phone that you could dial a long time ago, and it would give you the time and the weather forecast.
Well, that spun off into when we used to prank call the operator, and then rotary dial phones and so on and so forth, so we decided to have a little Throwback Thursday show today, and open it up so you could share some of your memories of days gone by with us. So we put the question up on our I-95 Rocks Facebook Page: What blew you away back in the day?
J STEW: It was a fun morning! One guy told us his cool pager story, and how the real trouble began when you'd have to go looking for a payphone to call someone back. Try finding a payphone these days! Another guy Patrick, called in and he and I reminisced about growing up in the same neighborhood.
We used to drag my drums down into his basement and jam, all hours of the day and night. Til either the neighbors complained, or his mom just couldn't take it anymore. But there were tons of other great stories too.
Apparently you were in a mood to share, which was awesome. The phone lines lit up immediately, and the comments started to roll right in. See if you ever did anything to your bike like me or this guy used to do. Listen to this:
Paul Moore Goin fishing whenever I wanted, riding my bike with the gang, my grandparents, home cookin
Wendy Clewley Roller skates, I used to live for roller skating at Skate Scene every weekend back in the mid 80s, I live on N French st behind china light at the time so it was close by, too.
Jan Wilkinson The twelve-foot satellite dish we had in our front yard
Wendy Paul Tangling the phone cord.
Leah McBreairty The air raid siren (or whatever it was intended for) by the old post office on Kennebec Road going off at noon every day. I wonder when that stopped?
Moe Rackliff I remember when my parents came home with a color TV. That was a big deal at that time.
Todd Orcutt The coolest was a motorized TV antenna on the roof so you could get different stations or improve reception when weather patterns changed.
Geoffrey Wingard Big, multi-component stereos. I remember lugging three or four huge boxes on the T in Boston after my college roommate bought a totally sweet set-up at the Sharper Image store (another throwback).
Sarah Beattie Smith Rotary phones, not wearing a seat belt, candy cigarettes, waxed lips, Dr. Scholls flip flops....
Dennis Bean had a bunch of great throw-backs to share:
"Hey guys...i remember back early 80s my dad coming home on a fridays and a special treat would be when he backed in and jumped out of the old ford comet and popped open the trunk and would say.."Movie night" and remove a laserdisk player and 2 movies that were the size of a record album. Halfway thru the movie we could get a pee break because u had to flip the disk over to finish the movie!!! They were huge...and i will never forget how it made us kids feel. Simple way of life but man...made us way cooler than the Kardashian's for one night!!!😀 I totally miss my "BIG WHEEL!" brother Dan and I would cruise the neighborhood non stop..then we got an electronic siren with a Pa speaker from radio shack. We were the cats meow...look out ponch and john...CHiPs has 2 new officers on the beat. I also remember entering a coloring contest put on by the United way and the Bangor mall!! I was in 4th grade and i won. I went to the center court of the mall and they presented me with a brand new "chrome" BMX" bike. I ruled the world on it and rode it to school every day..i would ask the teacher to use the bathroom so i could go down the lobby and make sure it was still out front in the bike rack!!!🙊🙊The best part is this...when my son got big enough...i went to my parents house and took the bike down out of their garage and gave it to him.We still have it!!"
He even grabbed the old bike out from storage and sent us this picture of it! So rad!