Website Lets You Track Sharks Off The Coast Of Maine!
I was scrolling through Facebook this weekend, and came across a post that the Downtown Ellsworth, Maine page had put up about a 7.8ft Male Maco Shark named Oscar who had been travelling up and down the coast of Maine. Oscar had been tracked in Maine waters from Machias down to Rockland, and points in between. And the post stated that in the last 100 days, that shark had covered over 20-thousand miles!
Needless to say, that got me curious as to what other sharks might be out there, so I decided to check it out for myself.
If you click on the site,, you can see the locations where sharks and other animals have "pinged" during their travels.
This is just the coolest!
For instance, did you know that a 12.9ft, 1,100lb Male White shark named Vimy pinged not too far off the Maine/New Hampshire border last week? So far, in the last 100 or so days, Vimy has clocked over 6,000 miles!
You can check out sharks in waters all over the world! They also have info on seals, turtles, whales and alligators. says they're "a data-centric organization built to help scientist collect previously unattainable data in the ocean....OCEARCH conducts research expeditions aboard the M/V OCEARCH, which serves as an at-sea laboratory...Tags such as SPOT, acoustic, and accelerometer are attached, morphometrics are recorded, and samples, such as blood and tissue, are collected."
Again, super cool marine biology nerd stuff! Also something neat to stick in your back pocket for rainy days when your kids or grand-kids get bored. Make them official "Shark Trackers" and help them explore the world around them!
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