It’s Crazy, But Bangor Will Literally Feel Like Every Season This Week.
This is starting to feel very surreal.
I've kind of lost count at this point, how many times we've had these periods of weather where we experience mini-seasons within our season. This winter has had warm days, bitter cold days, insane amounts of rain, thunder snow, and everything you can possibly imagine in between.
I don't think Mother Nature knows what this does to our brains. Snip-snap, snip-snap, snip-snap... Don't you know what that does to a person? During February vacation, it was 64 degrees here on day. In February. We may be headed for another weird week like that, judging by what I've seen from the National Weather Service.
Temps this week will be all over the map.
Today we top out at around 40. Tomorrow, 45. Wednesday and Thursday look like they're headed for the 50's. Depending on where you look, some outlets are predicting Friday to be in the 60's. But just to mess with you, in the middle of all that, we're likely to get an inch or two of snow, Tuesday night into Wednesday.
Although, Facebook Memories is good for remembering the history too. In 2018 on this date, we had like 30 inches of snow in Bangor. A few years before that, it was snowing and soon to be 65 degrees the next day. Bangor just all the weather nobody else wants. We get what feels like meteorological leftovers. It's gross.
Any way, make sure the rest of the week, you leave the house in snow pants but pack shorts for later on. I suppose we'll be all set come summer though, right? Probably not. We'll probably have an unseasonably cool summer. I'll be building fires in June. Like I said... Mother Nature doesn't love us....
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