What’s This Wednesday: We Might’ve Burst Your Brain Bubble.
For this week's 'What's This Wednesday' we thought we were going pretty simple. Did you have a peek and take a guess? Check it out....
JStew: As I sit and type this, I still have no idea what it specifically is, because Cori never sent me an "after photo". It's hard for me not to see seltzer. Mostly because I probably drink my weight in seltzer every day. I'm not sure if it's bad for me or not. But I doubt it'll stop my regular consumption. Although,. between that and the well at my house, I should probably drink some city water stat... Right?!
Cori: Once again, this is one of those situations where when the answer is finally revealed, it will also out one of my bad habits. In this case, it's letting things sit around. I thought, if I'm being honest, it was kind of neat little "artsy" shot. I was quite impressed with myself, even telling JStew when I sent him the clue that people would likely get it, but I didn't care cause it was a neat photo. I was surprised that more people didn't get it, but was equally amused with some of the creative guesses.
As usual, we thought this would be really simple. For some it was, others not so much. And there were some amazingly funny guesses too. Let's check them out.