City Of Brewer Opens Playgrounds For Use
The City of Brewer opened it's playgrounds for use yesterday with the high hopes that everyone will follow the rules and remain safe.
Brewer Parks and Recreation director Mike Martin yesterday confirmed to WABI.TV that "the Brewer playgrounds are open", and that the City will not be sanitizing the equipment within them. "Right now we are going to just monitor playgrounds. They are not scheduled to be sanitized - so use at your own risk, Martin told WABI.
A sign posted at all of the City's playgrounds spells out the rules, which include not using the equipment when one is not feeling well, washing your hands before and after use, wearing face coverings "if you can", staying six feet apart, and avoid touching your face.
One of the rules seemed pretty much like wishful thinking to us, which stated "avoid frequently touching surfaces." Yeah, good luck with that at a playground full of kids.
Many comments across Facebook following the declaration that the playgrounds are now open were considerably favorable, which tells us that kids are ready for something else to do at this point of the pandemic.
Brewer Parks and Recreation has six playgrounds, including the one by the Brewer Auditorium, the Dougherty Recreation Complex, School Street Park, Fling Street Park, Eastern Park and Capri Street School.
After last week's announcement that the Brewer City Swimming Pool would not open this summer, the opening of the City's playgrounds is good news for kids and parents alike. And with sunny skies and temperatures in our area expected to hit 90 degrees by Friday, it couldn't have happened at a better time.