What would be your first thought if your dog was missing toys?

My dog is only a semi-outdoor dog. He's a rescue and hasn't been well trained yet to be off-leash. So we don't have a lot of toys outside. We have some we bring out, but he always brings them right back in because he likes to know where they all are, at all times, haha. He's a first-class toy hoarder.

But as Brian Chisolm posted on the Maine Wildlife Facebook page, what happens when your dog's outdoor toys keep coming up missing? Is it bears? Is it a baby Sasquatch with no toys of its own? Or is it another creature who simply can't resist picking up the toys and having an absolute blast with them?

This is why game cams absolutely rule.

Brian noticed some of his dog's toys were coming up missing. So once the game cam was up and running, it became pretty clear who the culprit was. But once you see the video, it's hard to be mad at all. In the footage, you can see a coyote come right up to the toys, check them out a bit, then grab one and begin frolicking about. It's amazing.

I mean, I suppose if it was my dog's toys and a coyote had been stealing them, I might be annoyed. But when you watch the video and see this wild animal living its best life, it's hard to stay even a little mad at it. At least me anyway,. Maybe other folks could watch this and stay mad, but I just love to watch animals play, so much. Hahaha.

Anyway... watch this little guy/girl have some fun. I promise it'll brighten your morning a smidge...



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