Dark Side Of The Boo! Listeners Share What’s Scary After Dark.
We wanted to say hello while it's still light out because we know that things get spooky when the sun goes down. Which brings us to today's topic....
What's something that's scarier in the dark?
JStew: In my opinion, pretty much everything is scarier after dark. When it comes to the dark, I'm the biggest fraidy-cat there is. Not sure why, I just always have been. Actually, sometimes, I think it's more I can't stand intense quiet. I always feel like somehow it's so quiet, that there's something I'm missing. I know, sounds totally strange, but I absolutely refuse to go get the mail after dark. I always ask KStew to do it. You know...because the dark. Yuck. I'm getting antsy just thinking about it. Hahahahaha.
Cori: Open water in the dark is creepy to me. Also, underneath the bed. I know there's nothing there (mostly because I double-check for my kids, so they'll feel better) but I'll be damned if I let a bare foot stick out from underneath the covers--on the off chance something from under the bed touches it!
It seems a lot of you didn't necessarily like the dark that much either. Here's what you had to say.

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