It Starts Officially on Sept. 22nd, but Meteorological Fall Starts Now
My mother always says September is when everything changes.
The opening and closing of camp is kind of the benchmark for the spring, summer, and fall. In spring we start opening, summer we enjoy, fall we close. But there comes a point where we have to stop staying out there because it's simply too cold. Mom always says it's like someone "shut a door". And then it's just chilly.
Obviously, the real first day of fall is September 22nd. And right up until then, you can almost convince yourself that maybe Mother Nature just kind of left us sitting at the curb, and isn't going to pick us up this winter. But alas, eventually all the fun stops and the white stuff starts flying.
The weatherman, or woman, says fall starts today though.
Well, for them it does. Meteorologists divide the seasons into 4 equal 3-month seasons, all starting on the first of their respective months. So, meteorological winter for instance will start on January 1st. But does all this mean anything to us as far as our weather goes? Kinda, but nothing really huge.
But, according to News Center, we can expect a warmer than average fall, and the jury is completely out on winter. Go figure, like our weather is all the time, the prediction is literally that we could get above, or below, average snowfall/precipitation. Way to cover your backsides.
Regardless, if fall is your favorite season, you might as well start celebrating right now. Your time has arrived.