Put That Match Down…Fire Danger Is Wicked High Again, Bub.
One of the best features of our new house that we bought last year was an amazing fire pit. We were stoked because you could easily fit like, 20 people around it. Which obviously has come in pretty handy during quarantine. We've been able to visit with some friends and family at a proper distance, but enjoy the outdoors.
But this spring/summer so far has been slightly uncooperative in the fire department. We've had such dry weather for weeks. Just a little teeny bit of rain here and there, but that's it. Barely enough to settle the dust on the roads. Or as my grandfather used to say, it's been drier than a popcorn fart.
But, as I saw on the Maine Fire & Rescue Facebook page via the Maine Forest Service, the fire danger is bad enough right now, that all towns, municipalities, counties, etc., have put a freeze on any fire permits. So if you thought you were going to burn up that brush pile anytime soon, nope. You'll have to wait til we get a little rain.
It'd be nice too, if folks used some extra common sense during this time too. Definitely think twice before you toss a butt out the window. Especially in rural, grassy roadsides. And let's not forget about the guy who rolled his lawn mower while smoking a joint and set his back woods on fire earlier this spring. Don't be that guy either.
The important part is, obey this order. Fire danger is no joke. Sure, some folks all think they've got it under control, and then next thing you know, you're burning down the principal's back field like I did when I was a kid. So for the good of our forests, and the safety of our first responders, don't be burning stuff right now, bub!
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