This May Be The Warmest Fall We’ve Had In Years
Don't dig out the sweaters just yet...I think it's something we all secretly dream about every year, since we live in Maine. But when lots of different weather outlets start predicting that Maine, and pretty much the rest of the country, will be having well above average temperatures this fall, our ears prick up a bit.
My birthday falls in mid-Octocber, so that's the gauge I use to keep track of what most falls are like. Historically speaking, it rains on my birthday. Or is at least cloudy, and clammy, and chilly. A few times it's even snowed. Not much, but just enough to remind you that winter is not far away. And even less often, it's actually been nice out.
I could probably count on one hand, how many times the temp has gotten above 70 degrees on my birthday. But if you believe WGME - TV13, this year might just be my year. They're saying folks from the National Weather Service, as well as the Climate Prediction Center, are indicating this fall could be kinda toasty for a change.
Now that's not all great news. For instance, Maine has been in a fairly intense drought all summer. We kind of need fall to happen so that groundwater can reach below ground, instead of being soaked up by plants and grass. The longer it stays warm, the longer these plants will hang on, potentially making the drought last longer as well.
On a brighter note, it could mean that first frost is pushed back fairly significantly for a lot of areas. SO if you were brave an planted celery in your garden this year, you might actually see it all the way through for a change. I'm pointing that finger directly at my mom... who planted celery this year. Hahaha.
I'm sure there's pitfalls inevery direction, but I think it'd be great to be able to do something outside on my birthday. What a refreshing change that would be. But like most women in my life over the years, Mother Nature will likely lose interest in me pretty quickly, and get back together wither ex, Old Man Winter. Just in time for my birthday.

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