United Way Of Eastern Maine Collecting Socks For The Holidays
There are times when we all get caught up in our own lives. Not necessarily in a selfish way, but sometimes, especially around the holidays, we start to focus. Whether it's getting presents for other family or friends, or getting things ready for New Years. And that's in a normal year. Add COVID, and everybody's minds are all over the place.
Sometimes, it's hard to remember when we're checking things off our own lists, that some people's lists are so simple that it's almost heartbreaking to read. I know there have been times where I've been searching for the perfect gift for people that costs me a few bucks, and then I hear a story about a kid who only wants mittens or a coat.
At those moments, I always feel about one inch tall. Again, not because I'm selfish, but it's hard to wrap my brain around that kind of situation. Yet it exists everywhere. Even right here in Bangor. That's why the United Way of Eastern Maine is collecting socks for those less fortunate.
Imagine your own life, and then run it through the filter of just needing socks. I wear holey, blown out socks all the time, but that's my choice. If I wanted new ones, I'm lucky enough to be able to just go buy them. Well, what if you couldn't? Who do you turn to?
You might even be asking, why socks? In shelters, socks are the number one requested item by folks. If you spend a good deal of your time outdoors, or walking around to keep yourself busy, socks can blow out pretty fast. So the United Way is trying to help bridge that gap, according to WABI - TV5.
There are stores around the area from Bangor to Belfast, that are collecting socks for the United Way such as Epic Sports and Valentine Footwear in Bangor, Marden’s in Brewer and Colburn Shoe Store in Belfast. So there are plenty of local places you can drop them off conveniently while you're already shoe shopping.
If you want more info about this great cause for our community, check out the United Way of Eastern Maine's Facebook page.

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