Unpopular Opinion: What Do You Hate That Others Think Is Awesome?
JStew & Cori here... We wanna know: What's something that everyone else thinks is "cool" but you find super annoying?!
JStew: For me, it's gotta be IPA's. If there is one thing on this planet I cannot stand, it's an IPA. Too much hops, never enough flavor, and always makes me feel like I'm drinking liquified carpet. Yes, I am a full-fledged stout, porter, brown ale kinda guy. I think the renaissance that IPA's are going through right now is just absurd. I can't wait til they go back to being the mom jeans of the beer world. Granted, mom jeans are popular again, but it won't last forever. And neither will the glut of IPA's. Hahahaha.
Cori: For me, it's gotta be Tik-Tok. Or SnapChat. Any of those apps that encourage people to do dumb things and catch for the sake of then recording it and putting it up online. I feel like they're way too addictive for their target demographic, and frankly keep them from actually living an authentic life. Everything is manufactured for a laugh--sometimes at the expense of others or at the cost of one's self-respect. I have no use for them. Those apps just make me sad.
Your answers were pretty diverse. Everybody definitely has something that fits the category, but the answers are all over the place, which is awesome...
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