Waterville Isn’t Skating On Thin Ice….Because It’s Plastic.
I'm assuming because winter in Maine lasts for 49 months a year, is the reason winter sports are so popular here. Skiing, ice fishing, snowmobiling, hockey... Most folks from Maine have grown up in snow shoes, skates, or skis, since they were little kids. I feel like I'm in the minority, haha. Although, I do love to snow shoe.
And it doesn't matter whether you go to Madawaska or York, you'll find a place to do your thing. In fact, I'm always surprised for such a cold state, how many towns have ice rinks. There's literally one 500 feet down the road from where I work, here on the Acme Road in Brewer. But what happens when people want to skate, and there's no ice?
Waterville seems to have solved that problem, according to WABI - TV5. though Waterville is taking steps to get a proper ice rink, they decided not to wait until it's done to get people whizzing around the rink. They installed a synthetic rink made of thin sheets of plastic. How cool is that?!
Not only that, it's mobile. Oh, it's July and you want to skate outside? No problem! it can moved out into the parking lot if that's necessary for some reason. Imagine having hockey skates on your feet, running drills outdoors in shorts, in the summer? I'm sure it would feel a bit odd at first, but I bet it would also kinda rule.
It's sort of like the first time I got a cell phone back in 2001. The first time I was riding in a car, and realized I could answer my phone anywhere, it was incredibly liberating. I imagine this would provide the same kind of rush. Maybe not, who knows? But again, this is not their permanent rink. Real ice is also in their future.
Colby College and a private donor will make the real ice happen soon enough. But for the town to offer this kind of solution is truly awesome. Just when you think life has just totally become every man for himself, you see cool things like this happen. But, no matter how warm or safe it is.... You won't see this clumsy jerk on skates anytime soon!

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