Work Continues On 8 More Miles Of Acadia National Park’s Carriage Roads
The Harold MacQuinn Company of Ellsworth recently completed re-surfacing 13 miles of Acadia's carriage roads ahead of schedule. So, the company is now going for another 8 miles of the very popular roads!
The completed sections include carriage roads in the vicinity of Jordan Pond, Wildwood Stables, and Bubble Pond, and now MacQuinn employees will work on stretches that include the Witch Hole loop and its connectors between intersections 1 through 6, and the Aunt Betty Pond carriage road between intersections 9 and 11. Confused? Then see the map below.
Certain sections of the carriage roads will be closed from 7 a.m. until 5 p.m. from Thursday, July 6th, through Friday, July 21st, to complete the work. The carriage roads will be open at all other times including weekends.
Users of the carriage roads should be on the lookout for trucks and other equipment in use and stored along the way.
“We appreciate the patience and cooperation of park visitors as we complete important cyclic maintenance work on the carriage roads,” said Superintendent Kevin Schneider in a press release. “The investment of park funding will help ensure the protection of this historic resource and provide for its enjoyment for many years to come.”
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