Flick Chick here once again in the pursuit of truth, justice and keeping you from spending your hard earned money on movies that don’t make the grade! Over the weekend I tabled all my good intentions and headed to the Bangor Mall Cinemas and ‘No Good Deed'

This movie runs just 1 hour and 25 minutes, is a thriller and is Rated PG-13 for sequences of violence, menace, terror, and for language. This film stars Idris Elba, Taraji P. Henson, Leslie Bibb, Kate del Castillo, Henry Simmons


Like your mama always told you “No Good Deed Goes Unpunished” a bit jaded I know but that is the basic idea behind this film. An escaped and historically violent convict walks up to a beautiful house in a suburban Atlanta neighborhood claiming car trouble and asking to use a phone.  Of course the well intending mother of two asks although cautious puts down her guard to help this guy in need. Of course then Terror unfolds.  Who is your money on the convicted criminal or mama bear? I thought so…


this movie was again a pleasant surprise.  It is a thriller and so of course you want it to jump the snot out of you a few times...check. The actors need to be believable...check.  You'd like something in the plot to take you by surprise...check. I can't give you more than that without spoiling the plot so I'll finish up to say as thrillers go, on a scale of 1-10, I’d to give ‘No Good Deed’ a 9.

Show me everything playing right now at the Bangor Mall Cinemas

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