Dollar Tree Is Moving Into The Old Rite Aid Spot On 3rd & Union
The last year or so, I'm pretty sure all Rite-Aid stores closed around Maine after they were pretty much taken over by Walgreens. And when the Rite-Aid on Hammond Street in Bangor closed, most of us just assumed that Walgreens would end up in there as well. But instead, it sat quiet and empty for quite a while.
What's interesting in that particular location, is that when I was a kid living on Fourth Street, the Rite-Aid location was actually a Shop n' Save. And where Ichiban is, was a Wellby's drug store. We're talking way back when the two buildings weren't even connected and you could drive between them, and leave out the back.
But those crafty city watchers over at the You Know You Grew Up In Bangor, Maine When... Facebook page noticed that Dollar Tree is moving into that spot. Honestly, it's nice to see that coronavirus hasn't just stopped everything. Folks in this part of town could use an easy-to-get-to store for day to day things.
Growing up in that neighborhood myself, I used to find myself going into Shop n' Save like ten times a day. Whether it was a quick snack, milk for the house. Or in high school, my girlfriend at the time was a cashier there too. So I ended up in there for no reason at all sometimes.
Even though the neighborhood as I remember it is pretty much gone, people will probably treat this new dollar Store the same way I did Shop n' Save. In and out, all day, getting a few little sundry items here and there. It's good to see that as much as things change, some things stay the same.