Here’s What Visitors To Acadia Spent $284 Million On
Last year, 3.5 million people venturing into the Downeast area to check out Acadia National Park spent a whopping $284 million in the region. What do you think they spent the most $ on?
You're right! Hotels and motels! Folks can't sleep in the car, you know. Well, we guess that they can, but well-off folks from New Jersey normally don't.
Hotels were followed up by restaurants. Yes, a person from away has to eat. Lobsters, clams, and then anything fried brought in oodles of dollars.
Gas, transportation and groceries we necessities of course, followed up by retail, recreation and then camping.
Last year's $284 million figure has grown significantly since 2012, when Acadia drew in $201 million from away.
“Acadia National Park’s extraordinary beauty and recreational opportunities attracted a record number of visitors in 2017 making it the seventh most-visited national park in the country,” said Superintendent Kevin Schneider in a press release yesterday. “We value our relationship with the neighboring communities and appreciate the services, experiences, and amenities they provide to park visitors.”