One Brother Injured, The Other In Jail After Shooting In Rumford
A family fight that took place Monday evening in Rumford has landed one brother in the hospital and the other in jail this week.
Shannon Moss, from the Maine Department of Public Safety, says Rumford Police were called to a home on Route 2, just before 6:30 Monday evening. When they got there, they found that a man had been shot.
"The victim, 23-year-old Drew McKenna of Rumford was transported to Rumford Hospital and then flown via Lifeflight to Maine Medical Center in Portland where he is in critical condition."
Moss says members of the Maine State Police Major Crimes Unit and Evidence Response Team were then called in to conduct an investigation and process the crime scene. After speaking with witnesses, they went looking for McKenna's older brother.
"On Tuesday, December 20, 2022, at 1:00 A.M. Detectives arrested McKenna’s brother 27-year-old Shay McKenna of Rumford and charged him with Elevated Aggravated Assault with a Dangerous Weapon. He was transported to the Oxford County Jail where he is being held without bail."
Both the Rumford PD and Maine State Police are still looking into what led to the disturbance and ultimately, the shooting.
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