What’s This Wednesday: A Super-Stumper!
Most of the time I come up with something that's kind of tricky, but inevitably some smarty pants out there knows exactly what the clue is and guesses it. This time...not so much!
Each Wednesday for the past 10 months, JStew & I have take pictures of random things we come across, and present them to you as clues. And every week, we are always at the very least amused, but usually impresses at how folks are able to guess what the objects are.
But this week I think I picked a Super Stumper! Because no one got it. Not.One.Single.Person.
And we only had two brave souls offer up ideas for what this might be!
My son is actually the one who brought it to my attention, lamenting that it didn't actually work any more, but that it was pretty cool. When I went over to investigate this little piece of history, I looked inside and saw this:
When I leaned in a little closer, to really investigate, that's when I got the idea to share with you what I was honing in on:
Neat, huh? So there you go. A Super-stumper, but still pretty cool!
I promise to go easier on you next week!
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