What’s This Wednesday Reveal–Were You Even Close?
Cori: Like many, I was thrown off by the Monday holiday, and lost all track of where I was in the week. Half way through Tuesday, I realized I hadn't put out our weekly "What's This Wednesday" clue post--and I started to panic a little. Feverishly looking around for something to snap a picture of as I was sitting outside, in my front yard, at the picnic table. What was something I could capture in an interesting way? And then it came to me. Once I saw it, I shared with JStew. When he didn't get it on the first try, I knew we had something good!
JStew: As usual, I was pretty hard up for guesses after I said that it was an iron. So Cori maintains her reign as the queen of W.T.W. photos. I had a good run at the beginning, but I've been in a slump ever since. Though, like most things with us, it's not really a contest. It's just for the applesauce of it. But your guesses ruled! Here are some of your guesses from this morning:

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