Bar Harbor/MDI Route 3 Project Update For Week Ending 8/19/17
Do the daily Route 3 commute? Here's the latest information from the Maine Department of Transportation concerning the Route 3 reconstruction project:
**The area from Old Bar Harbor Road to Sand Point Road that had been temporarily opened to two-way traffic will now be converted back to one way traffic due to paving and other work being done in the area.**
- Backing up shoulders and driveways from Sand Point Road to Lookout Point Road
- Placing new drainage from Hamor Lane to Crooked Road
- Excavating subgrade, placing new gravel, and fine grading from Lookout Point Road N to Hamor Lane
- Public works will be installing new water services from Lookout Point Road N to Crooked Road
- Utilities will be working from the Bluff's to Breakneck Road
Of course all work depends on the weather.
The Maine Department of Transportation reminds us that “The Crooked Road DETOUR and first one-way loop is up and running. Please drive safely and pay attention to signage, traffic signals, and flaggers!”
The PROJECT will be completed in the spring of 2019.
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