Hey Bangor, What’s A Situation Where You Only Buy The Name Brand?
We got wondering over the weekend, is there a situation where you will only buy the name brand of something and absolutely never the generic?
JStew: It's funny, I'm usually the guy that's barking in some corner about the fact that people blow their hard earned money on the name brand, when the generic is usually just as good. Sometimes though, it just isn't the case. For instance, I started getting the off-brand toothbrush heads for my electric toothbrush. Not a good idea. In the time it usually takes to go through one or two of the name brand ones, I went through a whole package of them from one of the big box stores. For that matter, same deal with the same box store's dental floss. Total garbage. And drumsticks..... oh boy. I never, ever, ever buy the cheap ones of those. I go through twice as many in half the time. No bueno....
Cori: I grew up eating generic food and wearing basic clothing--never hurt me. While my mom made sure to educate me on the difference between something that was put together well and to appreciate the difference that sometimes exists between generic and name brand, we were always taught to make due with what we had, regardless of the tag or label it sported. As an adult, the only time I ever really paid attention (and the extra money) to anything name-brand was with diapers. All of my babies seemed to get really bad diaper rash unless I put them in Huggies. So that was the only thing I'd say I've ever gone out of my way that wasn't generic.
Folks were all over the map with their answers to this one, as one would expect. Let's take a peek and see what other people said....