Maine’s Birthday Can Now Be Added To The List Of Cancellations
I swear to god.... 2020 has been a pointy pair of fancy cowboy boots, and I'm hanging a sign off my belt that says, 'kick me right in the middle'. No rock shows. No sports. No dining out. The list just goes on and on and on. I'll let everyone else argue the political aspects, as I don't care much for that kind of thing, but apparently everyone else does.
Now, our very own state's birthday has been flushed down the 2020 toilet bowl. Gatherings of that size are just impractical at this point, I totally get that. But there had better be some plan in place to at least virtually celebrate Maine's bicentennial. Doing it next year just doesn't seem right.
But according to WABI - TV5, this year's festivities will be moved to 2021. The Bicentennial Commission feels it's a great time for growth, and to show how we can make a huge comeback after such a crazy time. That part I can't help but agree with. I bet when this is all over, we'll all be walking around feeling like we just walked out of a 'Rocky' movie.
But the Statehood Ceremony Day, Time Capsule Sealing, and the Bicentennial Parade are all going to take place next year. Sure we can make it up next year. But it won't be the same. Then of course, there will be all those naysayers that say 2021 is the 'real' bicentennial next year. Ugh. But to heck with them!
But, a lot of people have been affected. Lots of high schoolers didn't get a proper graduation this year. Teachers had no idea they were saying goodbye to students forever when they left in March. This week, I've personally laid eyes on coworkers that I haven't seen since St Patrick's Day.
However, remember... We are all Mainers. Whether we agree or disagree about all the crap that goes along with this quarantine period, we've all been affected by it. And when it's over finally, some day, things will get better. Otherwise, it'll turn into a Mad Max movie. And really, I just don't look that good in ripped leather, spikes, and eye makeup.
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